
June 25, 2015

Welcoming Summer

We've had so many visitors in the past few weeks! Grandma Hollie, Nana, Popi, Uncle Noah, Auntie Tarynie, and OJ have all come to town to spend a weekend with us. Here are some of the fun things we did together...

Grandma Hollie teaching Elle how to drive

Maple Valley Days Parade

Showing Uncle Noah the sights on his first visit to Seattle!

Strawberry picking in Carnation

Here's a little update on Elle:

"I want nana...I want soozie too."

"You want a banana and a smoothie?"


Elle is growing up way too fast. Her sweetest voice is so raspy, and she talks and talks all day long. She adds an IE to the end of most of her we end up with "milkie" "snackie" "fishie" "bonkie", and her favorite word, "horsie". She never says the word "yes", only "OKAYYYY!!!!" with the brightest, cheeriest smile her face can muster. She has names for all her books, and she brings them to me every minute of the day. "Mommy, read it." Then she slaps the place she wants to sit with her flat little hand and adds, "sit-by-you." And as soon as I'm finished, "AGAIN!" We read for hours and hours- my only reprieve being a movie with a "horsie" in it, or a princess coloring book.

She says "please" and "thank you" in the purest voice ---------and "bless you" after anyone within hearing distance sneezes. Such a good girl!

When her feelings get hurt, she runs away from the situation, pretending to cry, her lips curled in the most pitiful pout, and heads straight toward the nearest wall. She stays with her face against the wall for about four seconds, collects herself, and comes running right back.

Aunt Melissa swinging the day away with these darling cousins!
And on London:

London had her first dance recital last weekend. Almost a year of dance class, and she was ready to perform one dance in ballet and one in tap. London was an angel on the stage- so concentrated on the steps and putting her arms in just the right position. I cried the proudest mom tears.

London's first dance recital
She adores Mrs. Liz!
She is also quite the artist. When I'm resting, London loves to color the most beautiful pictures of our family, or fill in each detail in her coloring books with brightly colored crayons. She'll say, "Do you like my picture, Mom?" And I always ooh and aah, because it really looks amazing, and then she'll say, "You're welcome!" and skip back to the table to do it all over again.

At Lake Wilderness with Popi
She wants to help with absolutely everything. If I'm doing the laundry, she helps me load it, dry it, fold it, put it away. If I'm cooking dinner, she is measuring ingredients and mixing it for me. If Kyle is running errands, London goes with him, insisting that he needs a "helper". She helps me clean the house--- dust, windex, put the toys away---everything I do, she is by my side, and completely proud of being my "helper".

And a cuddle with Nana