
April 14, 2020


I wish I could put my finger on exactly what it is that makes him so delicious. It's that impossibly sweet smell of honey and warm milk, his buttery soft skin, those chunky baby thighs, his stinky baby feet and the tiny bit of lint that's always between his toes, his ticklish little armpits, the steady stream of drool that leaves a ring around his collar, the two fingers on his left hand that he chews on all day, the giggle he makes when I gobble his cute little neck, that wide-mouthed toothless smile, and the way his eyes light up and he kicks his legs and flaps his arms with excitement whenever he sees my face. It's his high-pitched squeal, that pretend cry when he wants to be played with, how he sucks on his lower lip so his cheeks poke out, and the way he tucks his knees up while he's nursing. It's those dreamy blue eyes, his deep auburn hair, and his absolutely enormous man hands.

Watching Reid with his siblings every day is so precious. They run to my bedroom each morning, so happy that he's awake and can play with them. He's everyone's favorite toy and their silliest form of entertainment. Even Charlie never ever leaves Reid's side. We call him Reid, Reidy-Roo, Reidy-my-Reid, and Reidy-boy.

I feel like all the love I have in my heart for Reid might just burst out of my chest. That, or I might accidentally eat him.