
October 22, 2018

Sharing is Caring

Three-year-olds are hilarious. They are also insane. They are in one moment the cutest, sweetest, and most angelic little loves, and in the very next breath, suddenly scream so loud you're convinced you've actually lost an eardrum. I have become a professional manipulator, capable of keeping my cool and diffusing melt-downs, masterfully managing situations where the old Bristyl would've fallen apart. And each time I somehow manage to keep it all together, I feel so good----not because I think anything of myself, but because I can't believe I find so much joy, despite all the chaos, in motherhood.

Are you ready for a laugh? These are a few conversations the twins had last week:
(One day, when Henry's teacher wasn't at school...)
Henry: Maybe she's sick today.
Juliette: Maybe. I hope she feels better!
Henry: Yeah. She's probly at the doctor.
Juliette: I think she got stickers AND a sucker!
Henry: Me too.

Henry knows the name of every dinosaur
in every book we've ever read to him.
My favorite? Balociraptrr (Velociraptor)
His favorite: Tyrannosaurus Rex (which he says perfectly!)

Juliette: One time, when I was a baby, I driveded to Yogurtland in my white car.
Henry: Juliette, babies don't know how to drive a car!
Juliette: Well, I was with a grown up!

Juliette: Last time, I losted my kite.
Henry: (gasp)
Juliette: I know.
Henry: Is it up in the sky?! In outer sace?!
Juliette: Yes. It floated up the sky.
Henry: Can you get it?
Juliette: Henry! We don't have a flying car!

The twins don't quite understand how to use the past-tense. They say:

My two favorite sentences are:
"I misseded you!" and "I makeded my bed!"

They both point out letters on every street sign and every store, everywhere we go.
The twins:"Look, mom! It's letter P! P makes the "p" sound! Look, mom! It's letter M! M makes he "m" sound!"
Over and over and over again.

Me:"That's correct! Good job!"
Over and over and over again.
Juliette is still the one in charge, and I suspect she'll always be. 

Juliette: Henry, you're a puppy and I'm a horse, okay? Let's hold hands!
Henry: Okay!

Juliette: Henry, I'm a kitty.
Henry: Oh! You're so cute, Peanut!
Juliette: Do you want to pet me?
Henry: Okay!

Juliette: Henry, SHARING IS CARING! (As she rips his toy out of his hand)

They play together all day long, and I have the great pleasure of playing with them, while London and Elle are at school. I laugh at them, marvel at their brilliance and their thoughtfulness, squeeze them much too tight, and practice, practice, practice my patience. My life is crazy. I love these little twins!