
September 27, 2016

The twins are one!

The doctor came in and asked which baby was Henry and which was Juliette.
London introduced Henry to her Kindergarten teacher and actually said, "This is Handsome Boy." And with a face like that, it's pretty clear why. I was warned about having a boy. Everyone said that boys are crazy and busy and messy...and that is definitely true! Henry is the most mischievous child! He gets into everything- he can open every door in the house and move every barrier I put in his way. He has the loudest cry I have ever heard. His favorite thing is playing the dirt. But there is something so unexplainable about that boy--he has my heart! When he sees me, his entire face lights up, and he comes running into my arms. He wraps both arms around my neck and tangles his baby fingers in my hair, and lays his head on my shoulder. He can lay like that, swinging his right leg in the air, for twenty minutes, before squirming free. I think he was a koala in another life. And his laugh! Ah, he laughs and laughs, this contagious bellowing laugh, and it is the most beautiful sound.

Juliette thinks her name is Peanut. She is the easiest, cheeriest, and sweetest little girl. When she gets her feelings hurt, she drops her face to the ground and screams, the highest pitched scream I have ever heard. When she's really mad, she then rolls onto her back and kicks her legs until she has scooted her way across the floor. Finally, she looks at me to make sure I've caught the entire spectacle, stands up, and continues on her merry way. She doesn't really's more of a squeal & giggle combination. She loves to read, almost as much as Elle, but her attention span is exactly three pages long. Then, she takes the book out of my hands, drops it on the floor, and walks to the bookshelf for another. She is so smart! If she wants something, she brings it to me and says, "Ah?" She always has a doll or Barbie in her arms, and she carries them affectionately, constantly giving them hugs and kisses. She loves music, and starts to dance whenever she hears it playing.

One year into this twin mom thing, I wouldn't say that it has gotten easier...but I would say that I am much better at my job. I'm a scheduler, a planner, a balancer. I know what every cry means from every child, who is hungry or thirsty or tired or who needs attention or affection or a diaper change or time alone. And I've learned to politely say "no" to others when my plate of life at home is full. My life with them is everything I've ever dreamed of and nothing I could've planned for all wrapped into one crazy love fest.

Also, they turned one last month... and this was their Flintstone's Party...


Frankie said...

And their the luckiest little twins around, having you as a mom, the Best!

blazerfam5 said...

I love your blog and reading about your kids. You have some funny stories. Oh how I miss them..... so so much.

blazerfam5 said...

I love your blog and reading about your kids. You have some funny stories. Oh how I miss them..... so so much.