
August 28, 2019

London's Baptism

The time was fast approaching for London's 8th birthday--which--when you're a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, is a super biiiig deal. When you're 8, you can choose to be baptized. I kind of love this because it's really up to the person getting baptized. They're making 3 promises: to remember Jesus, take His name upon them, and to keep the commandments. And then there's always weekly sacrament to re-commit/make any personal corrections for the following week. I stood in my bathroom, braiding London's hair, and I asked her, "Hey, Honey. You're going to be 8 in a few months. How do you feel about getting baptized?" And that's when London did the thing she always does, which is blow me away with her grace, maturity, and faith.
"Mom, I'm ready to make covenants with God. I'm ready. I want to follow Jesus."
"Are you sure, Honey? There's no rush."
"Mo---om. Don't worry! I'm ready!" and she smiled and hugged me and laughed, because she knew that I'm not ready for her to grow up.

So the preparations began. There was the interview with the Bishop, the program, the photo shoot with the talented Talitha, the flowers from Hartworks Floral, the food, and the family to invite from out of town. London had control over every aspect of the program, from the talks, to the prayers, to the hymns we sang. But I begged her to sing a special musical number with her dad playing the guitar, and she said yes! It's a song I sing to my kids from the moment they are born, and one whose words always shake me.

I'm trying to be like Jesus,
I'm following in His ways.
I'm trying to love as He did
In all that I do and say.
At times I am tempted
To make a wrong choice,
But I try to listen
As the still small voice whispers:
Love one another as Jesus loves you.
Try to show kindness in all that you do.
Be gentle and loving in deed and in thought,
For these are the things Jesus taught."
I'm trying to love my neighbor.
I'm learning to serve my friends.
I watch for that day of gladness
When Jesus will come again.
I try to remember the lessons he taught,
And the holy spirit enters into my thoughts, saying:
Love one another as Jesus loves you.
Try to show kindness in all that you do.
Be gentle and loving in deed and in thought,

For these are the things Jesus taught.
I want so deeply for each of my children to show kindness in all they do, and to be gentle and loving always. Kyle played it perfectly, and London's angelic voice sang those tender words like only a child who means every word can.

Our family :)

My grandma made this jumper for our baptisms 23 years ago.
I'm not sure how to describe the way I felt that day... It wasn't pride, but I think that perhaps it was pure joy. As I reflected on all those happy tears I cried, I realized that this was 8 years in the making. Every bedtime scripture story, every Sunday at church, every prayer before every meal, family night every Monday, and every quiet, peaceful moment when we shared our faith with our little red-headed-girl, led her to baptism. She is remarkable, intelligent, good, and full of light, and she makes us proud every single day. I wish I could adequately express my love for her in words, but every mother reading this already knows that there aren't words for this kind of love. 

August 1, 2019

Be Kind

I remember many sleepless nights kneeling at my bedside, begging God to give me Anorexia instead.  I would have done anything to take away her pain, to save her so she could finally be free to live the life I knew she deserved. But God didn't, because He had something greater in mind. He was shaping and molding my sister into someone unshakable. Taryn is the person she is today because of Him, because of her faith, and because she fought with everything she had to learn to love herself again. She is a fighter, a hero, and an angel that I can't imagine a day of my life without.

When I look at her life now, I can see the bigger picture. I see her amazing daughter, her kind and good husband, and I see her limitless potential to change the world. I am so proud of her for sharing her story of recovery and for spreading kindness in a world that so desperately needs it. She has taught me what it means to #bekindinreallife.

Kindness in our home means we take turns. Everyone helps when I'm cooking or baking in the kitchen, and there are always at least two kids on the kitchen counter or standing on a chair to help mix or flip or pour. 

Kindness in our home means we laugh A LOT. Because treating one another the way we would like to be treated allows everyone to be themselves and feel confident in their own skin. Dance parties around here are a daily occurrence. "ALEXA!!! PLAY SHAKE IT OFF BY TAYLOR SWIFT!"-Juliette

It also means that when our family circus (oh my gosh, are those ALL your kids?!) is out in the real world, we treat every person we meet with respect and love.
Kindness means we all recognize that we're growing and changing every day, and we are not perfect. I try to fill my kids heads with, "Oops! Mommy totally forgot! I'm so sorry. Will you forgive me?" and "Oh no! Mommy made a big mistake! I guess I'll have to fix it, won't I?"

My first baby-bump picture!!!!
Thanks to the example my sister has set, and perhaps most importantly, I am kind to myself. I recognize now that my thoughts and my words become the thoughts and words of these sweet babies I'm trying to raise. I try my best to never even think bad things about myself, which is really hard! But I do feel like after 8 years of mom-ing, it is certainly much easier than it used to be!

The Be Kind Company launches today! If you want to hear more about Taryn's journey through recovery, and see how her experience can help you face challenges in your life, follow her blog...Small Steps. And if you want your kids to look this stinking cute, while also sharing this important message, head to The Be Kind 

And for real, remember to BE KIND.