
September 17, 2012

Winning the Lottery

Three weeks with only three outfits and Kyle and I had given up all hope that our luggage would be found. We realized we could survive in a foreign country without anything I painstakingly packed and organized-- I was sufficiently humbled. Then, on Thursday, Kyle got called out of class because the Italian airline we will never fly again (remember that meal?) had found our bag! The conversation went something like this..."Yes, you have bag? Black? Columbia jacket? Pool pipes? Italians are lazy. I send bag."

Here it is. In all its glory. A whole bag of men's American Apparel t-shirts and linen pants! Opening our bag was better than winning the lottery... five times. 

We spent the whole afternoon filling up our drawers and making our beds with all the luxuries we had been missing.

We decided against a field trip this weekend, because the embassy sent out a letter warning against possible protests in Amman. Sunday was our first chance to volunteer at the Catholic orphanage, and through an unlikely chain of events, Kyle was asked to come with the wives. Having him there was fabulous for several million reasons, one being that he served as the translator for both the nuns and the children.

Kyle and I took over English lessons for the 4-6 year-olds, who don't actually know any English. We taught them how to say phrases like, "My name is... " and "I am __ years old" and "I am from Jordan". Then we switched to learning colors. They enthusiastically repeated black as"blat" pink as "bint". Their favorite color was blue, which became "bloooooooooooooooo". We played head, shoulders, knees and toes, and the girls, whose hair has all been cut off, took turns trying to braid mine. I wanted to adopt a four-year-old girl who fell in love with Kyle and tried her hardest not to smile back at him as she played ring-around-the-rosie. The children are sweet and beautiful. I want to go back there every day, but once a week is all the nuns will allow. 

This week, London has mastered the "L" sound. She wanders from room to room mumbling "Wula, wula, wula, wula" with her pointy tongue sticking out of her mouth.  We've also been working on her animal sounds, but the only sound she's learned how to make so far is the growl. It doesn't matter which animal I point at; she growls... "London, what sound does a pig make?" "Aghkkkkk." "London, what sound does a bird make?" "Aghkkkkk". At the embassy today, she started chasing a kitten, and she growled at the poor thing all the way. 

We'll keep working on it.


Tiffeny said...

What a cute family! I can't stand that picture of London in the bathtub. She is so adorable. I'm glad they found your luggage! Stay safe, we love you!!

Frankie said...

Oh my gosh, London can't possibly get any cuter. Isn't it funny how something like losing luggage can make us appreciate all we have, even if its not a lot. Life is good! I think the girls got my Skype up and running, so we well have to try again.