
August 11, 2015

26 Days in a Hospital Bed

The morning after Kyle's birthday, I went into labor. The thing about having twins at 32 weeks and 3 days is that the doctors will do anything and everything to stop you from delivering... over and over again. I was given medications I didn't even know existed, with a long list of side effects that lasted for hours or days. Trying to stay positive during all the pain was the hardest thing I've done in my life.
Each time my contractions stabilized once more, I was given the freedom to be pushed in a wheelchair outside.
The girls became quite the hospital celebrities!
I somehow managed to stay sane with the help of some seriously wonderful people. My sisters and parents came to my rescue, spending all day at the hospital with me and bringing my girls to visit every other day. My saint of a mother used all her vacation time, plus a few extra days generously given by her boss, to stay by my side. Kyle came each night after work, held me tight, and serenaded me with his guitar. My sister-in-law watched London and Elle countless times, taking them on all the adventures I wish I could've this summer. Everyone from church sent notes and well wishes, and planned play dates for the girls throughout the weeks. My friends brought laughs--- and stacks of books, and I read and read, disappearing into the pages for hours at a time.

I came to love everyone in the hospital, from the maids to the food-delivery people, to the nurses, and every doctor and specialist. I learned about their families and histories, and they learned mine, too. When these twins finally make their grand entrance, it will be among a team of friends---it brings me so much comfort!

At 36 weeks and 1 day, I was released from the hospital and taken off all medications. And now, we wait!

The sweetest notes from my friends at church!

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